Welcome to Anatomy for Healers
Bridging Anatomy, Physiology and Energy Medicine
Bridging Anatomy, Physiology and Energy Medicine
Anatomy for Healers® offers a unique hands-on approach for students to integrate the knowledge of anatomy and physiology with the energy systems of the body. This program is appropriate for advanced energy healers who are new to anatomy as well as for nurses and others who have studied conventional anatomy.
The workshops enhance the powerful Healing Touch, or other energy therapy, background with learning and applying anatomy insights through new energy treatments. This approach has helped students do deeper, more specific, and effective work. Nurses and others who have studied anatomy before also find it valuable, since traditional anatomy doesn’t integrate the energy aspects with the physical body.
Getting acquainted energetically with the cardiovascular system is a profound experience, and the energy field in the classroom pulses with the etheric heart beat. Students are amazed at how they can actually energetically feel the difference between the liver, stomach, pancreas, intestines, kidneys, etc. Students report that they use the knowledge and new treatments all the time, and find it was one of the most valuable workshops they have ever taken as it facilitates deeper healing of mental, emotional, spiritual and physical issues.
One anatomy student said, “This has really deepened my healing work--I have new insights on how the body works.” Another said, “This has completely changed the way I feel about my body--it feels completely new”.
"If you know energy therapy, you need to know the human body, If you know the body, you need to know energy therapy.
If you know both, you need to know how to put them together in a healing practice."....Sue Hovland (founder)
'The instructors hold your interest with their wit, charm, and expertise!. They balance the class with lessons and experiential techniques. You will be inspired as they make learning FUN!"
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